All website images by João Florêncio, with the following image commons:
Anthony Ross, Abstract artwork 1353
Antisocial Octopus, Lindsay Dawn Obath, Evans Campbell, Deconstructing Masculinity
arbyreed, Porous
The Gallen-Kallela Museum, A naked man standing by a river in Africa, ca. 1909–1910
Google, Pig nose emoji
Horia Varlan, Light green texture of a porous stony surface
Jynto, Emtricitabine molecule ball
NIAID, 3D Model of HIV
NIAID, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
NIH, HIV budding
NIH, HIV daughter particles being shed from an infected T cell
Paolo Monti, Serie Fotografica (Italia, 1973)
PubChem, Ball-and-stick model of tenofovir
Sarah Marie Jones, Nude man after skinnydip
Timeastor, Abstract Artwork 0006
Wellcome Collection, “A naked man walking. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887”
Wellcome Collection, “Protection from love. Let us give AIDS no chance.”
Wellcome Collection, “To kiss: sexy and safe”
Conference poster by João Florêncio, with the following image commons:
RCSB Protein Data Bank, “HIV enzyme integrase”
Wellcome Collection, “Eugen Sandow: Life of the Author as told in Photographs“